Sunday, March 09, 2008

she devil!

hello again, well only 2 weeks left until i go back to work and i will be a little nerves. some of my co-worked would not ask anything but some others would want to know everything. they are going to ask why i didn't notice something wrong with the baby. and all i can tell them i don't know i guess i was to happy to and to excited, i thought she was sleeping allot i didn't know something like this could happen. then there is this one girl who is going to have her baby by the end of this month. since she found out she thought she was better then me cuz i didn't do everything by the book like she did. i did what i thought was right. well i went over to work like 2 weeks ago and she was there and she didn't even care i was there. she just stuck her nose up in the air and keeped on working. she probably thinks i did this to my baby. i think as soon as she has her baby and comes back she is going to rub it in my nose cuz that is the kind of chick she is now. well who ever knows me knows if this chick says something she shouldn't say to me i will have to get my piss and vinegar out and find Sarah's piss and vinegar and let her have it.