Saturday, March 29, 2008

just another day!

sorry i have not been writing on my blog but i have been busy every day after work i went to baby site the kids. so i just got home from work and a girl from work who is pregnant is in labor and should have her kid i think by tonight. i think she is having a boy. she is keeping everyone up dated by the hour for some reason. work is getting better. every now and again some one asks me about the baby but it's getting easier to tell them. me and mike are going to wait 1 more month and then we are going to try to have another baby. i know it will take awhile and that's ok with me. i know it will suck beaning pregnant in the summer but i don't care i just want to fell my baby kick like it should. Riley died before she could really kick. i know that we should wait until everything is up to date but if u have never been in my satiation u will never really understand how it feels. i am trying to look past this and think of good things. so anyways everything is going ok for now and getting back to my life. so nothing new has happened to me just alot of thinking and everyone knows this blog is for me so i can wright down the things i am thinking . so in a few years i can look back and read it so if u don't want to say anything that's ok. i miss been pregnant and i want a family with mike. i can't see my self with any one else. i know times are tough right now but i know they will get better. so have a good day.


Anonymous said...

I think anyone who reads your blog understand how your thinking is going. And you know we are full of advice, but, we are ALL behind you wishing for the same things you are. cuzzzzzzzzzz we love you!

just little ol' me said...

thanks mom. i have good day and bad . but i still think about it all the time. i can't help it.

Skip said...

good morning Ally.Nice to here feom you again. wright every day we're all intrested in what you have to say. we all love you.

Anonymous said...

You will have good and bad days for a long time, that is natural and normal. But remember, the reason you have these bad days, is because you loved Riley so much, and because she is irreplaceable. You are very strong ally

Anonymous said...

yes you are very strong and a survivor!!!!! You have a very dear angel..forever!! And I think that it's good to write down these things!!